基本情况 姓名:周文理 性别:男 出生年月:1982-09 籍贯:湖南邵阳 职位:betway必威副教授、硕士生导师 联系方式 电话: 邮箱:chemwlzhou@hunnu.edu.cn 通讯地址:长沙市麓山路36号betway必威 邮编:410081 个人网站: 工作经历 2016.01至今,betway必威,副教授 2015.05-2016.07台湾大学化学系,博士后(刘如熹教授) 2014.07-2015.12betway必威,讲师 2012.07-2014.06betway必威,博士后(谢青季教授) 教育经历 2009.09-2012.07中山大学无机化学专业,博士(王静教授、梁宏斌教授) 2006.09-2009.07湖南师范大学应用化学专业,硕士(廉世勋教授) 2002.09-2006.07邵阳学院化学专业,本科 讲授课程 无机化学、无机化学实验、材料物理、结构化学 科研方向 LED用荧光粉、长余辉材料、纳米发光材料 科研项目 5.主持省教育厅优秀青年项目,"白光LEDs用高效非稀土窄带红色荧光粉的合成与发光性质"(16B152),2016~2018。 4.主持国家自然科学青年基金项目,“掺杂离子再分布调控Whitlockite型荧光粉发光性质的研究”(21501058),2016~2018。 3.主持博士启动基金项目,“多功能稀土掺杂纳米材料的合成、性质及应用”(53112-2938),2014-2016。 2.主持湖南省科技计划项目,“多功能镧系掺杂NaGdF4生物标记材料的合成与应用”(2013RS4025),2013-2014。 1.主持第54批中国博士后科学基金,“基于氧化铁阵列的新型核壳型异质结光解水”(2013M542117),2012-2014。 学术论文 12. Fan, Y.; Tang, M.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Yu, L.;Li, C.; Lian, S.;Zhou, W.*,Synthesis and photoluminescence control of Ca10.5-1.5xLax(PO4)7:Eu2+phosphors by aliovalent cation substitution.Journal of Solid State Chemistry2017,246, 194-198. 11. Zhou,W.; Zou, R.; Yang, X.; Huang, N.; Huang, J.; Liang, H.; Wang, J.*, Core-decomposition-facilitatedfabrication of hollow rare-earth silicate nanowalnuts from core-shellstructures via the Kirkendall effect.Nanoscale2015,7(32), 13715-13722. 10. Zhou,W.; Han, J.; Zhang, X.; Qiu, Z.; Xie, Q.*; Liang, H.; Lian, S.; Wang, J.*, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of a cyan-emittingphosphor Ca3(PO4)2:Eu2+for whitelight-emitting diodes.Optical Materials2015,39, 173-177. 9. Han, J.;Zhou, W.*; Tang, M.; Lian, S.*, Control of photoluminescence in Ca3-3x/7Y2x/7(PO4)2:Eu2+phosphors by migration of the dopant.PhysicaStatus Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2015,9(8), 485-488. 8. Han, J.;Zhou, W. *; Qiu, Z.; Yu, L.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Q.; Wang, J.; Lian, S.*, Redistribution of Activator Tuningof Photoluminescence by Isovalent and Aliovalent Cation Substitutions inWhitlockite Phosphors.Journal ofPhysical Chemistry C2015,119(29), 16853-16859. 7. Han, J.; Pan, F.;Zhou, W. *; Qiu, Z.; Tang, M.; Wang, J.; Lian, S.*, Dual energy transfer controlledphotoluminescence evolution in Eu and Mn co-activated beta-Ca2.7Sr0.3(PO4)2phosphors for solid-state lighting.RscAdvances2015,5(119), 98026-98032. 6. Zhou,W.; Han, J.; Pan, F.; Zhang, J.; Xie, Q.*; Lian, S.; Yu, L.; Wang, J.*, Preparation and Luminescence Properties of Eu2+and Mn2+Coactivated Tricalcium Phosphate Phosphors.Journalof the American Ceramic Society2014,97(11), 3631-3635. 5. Zhou,W.; Xie, Q.*; Lian, S.,Photoelectrode Materials for Solar Water Splitting.Progress in Chemistry2013,25(12), 1989-1998. 4. Zhou,W.; Deng, S.; Rong, C.; Xie, Q.; Lian, S.*; Zhang, J.; Li, C.; Yu, L., Synthesis, crystal structure andluminescence of a near ultraviolet-green to red spectral converter BaY2S4:Eu2+,Er3+.Rsc Advances2013,3(37), 16781-16787. 3. Zhou,W.; Yang, X.; Huang, L.; Wang, J.*;Tang, J.; Liang, H., Synthesis of Porous Zinc Gallate Prisms Composed of HighlyOriented Nanoparticles by an In Situ Conversion Reaction.Chemistry-a European Journal2012,18(17), 5367-5373. 2. Zhou,W.; Yang, J.; Wang, J.*; Li,Y.; Kuang, X.; Tang, J.; Liang, H., Study on the effects of 5d energy locationsof Ce3+ions on NIR quantum cutting process in Y2SiO5:Ce3+, Yb3+.OpticsExpress2012,20(14), A510-A518. 1. Zhou, W.; Li, Y.; Zhang, R.; Wang, J.*;Zou, R.; Liang, H., Ultraviolet to near-infrared downconversion of Y2SiO5:Ce3+, Yb3+nanobelt-poly-EVA films.Optics Letters2012,37(21), 4437-4439. |